🌿 Good news! Jackson’s Art opened a warehouse in Maine, so customers in the United States will find shipping more efficient. I’ve often ordered from their London location without issue, but this will make delivery even easier.
Shop for acrylic, gouache, ink, pencil, oil, and watercolor supplies here at Jackson's.
One reason this is so exciting is that smaller, artisan brands like Isaro and Roman Szmal are more available for customers in the United States.
- Isaro watercolors are made in a small studio in Belgium by a delightful woman named Isabel. Find Isaro's range of more than 75 tubes here.
- Roman Szmal offers full pans poured by hand in Poland. Shop Roman Szmal's line of 150+ colors here.
Jackson’s online catalog includes many clearance items, dot cards, and paper samples. I always add a few to each order. It's great fun to try new materials at such a low price point!