🌿 Friendly Bees Bouquet

🌿 Let's celebrate pollinators!

Did you know bees -- and their friends birds, bats, butterflies, beetles -- are ultimately responsible for one out of every three bites of our food? It's true! Pollinators are busy benefiting the ecosystem. 

I made this collage graphic by combining five different elements in Canva Pro. There's a free 30-day trial available if you'd like to experiment with Canva designs yourself. {Not an affiliate link. I just like using the platform!}

🌿 supplies

Canson XL Watercolor Paper at Amazon | at Blick
--- FSC certified and made in the USA

Epson WorkForce Pro Printer at Amazon
--- each printer in this line has water-resistant ink

Happy summer,

Ann is an artist and writer from Ohio. Follow her on Instagram and YouTube for fresh journal flips and reviews.